Puppy Information and List of Puppies Available or Expected
Overview of Puppy Placement
Breeders have two priorities–breeding healthy puppies and finding the right homes for them. The breeder’s questionnaire is an important tool that helps both breeders and prospective owners determine if a WSS is a good fit for a particular family, so puppy buyers should expect be asked to complete a questionnaire. It can also be a great framework for a discussion between owners and breeders about what to expect. Keep in mind, too, that each puppy in a litter is different, and after spending weeks with a litter the breeder has developed a good sense for the personalities of the individual puppies and the best match for a family.
Health Testing
The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America, as the AKC parent club of the Welsh Springer, recommends that breeders perform the following health tests on both the dam and sire of a litter and report the results to the Orthopedic Foundation of America (OFA) public database:
- Hip Evaluation
- Elbow Evaluation
- Ophthalmologist Evaluation
- Thyroid Evaluation
Further, the WSSCA Code of Ethics requires members breeding their dogs to determine the radiographic hip status and eye condition of the breeding stock tested by a licensed or certified veterinary professional. They are required to share the results of the tests with the breeder(s) of the potential mates and with the owner(s) of potential mates. And, submit X-rays, eye examination information, and other test information to OFA: Canine Health Information Center . Breedings with foreign registered dams or sires should have equivalent health testing.
Prospective owners are strongly encouraged to view the published results of the health tests performed on the dam and sire of a litter and discuss health testing with the breeder.
The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club Of America is providing this listing solely as a service to its members and in no way assumes any responsibility for the reported breedings or litters. US domiciled breeders who appear on this listing are “Members In Good Standing” with the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America, and the litters are eligible for registration with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Additional health information not included in the OFA Canine Health Information Center (CHIC) public database may be available from the breeder.
Welsh Springer Puppy Litters Whelped and Expected
(Click on summary for more details)
Breeders: Lauren Gaines, Karen Gaines, & Sandra Holmes
- Sire: GCHS CH Trystyn’s Private Label CD JH “Sutton” AKC# SS04845403
- Dam: GCHB CH Trystyn’s Inside Information “Willa” AKC# SS08621304
- Location: Appleton, Wisconsin
- Health Information in OFA Canine Health Information Center database: Sire Dam
- Contact: laitoste@gmail.com; www.withywindlewss.com