Meet the Breeds, January 227-28 at the Javits Center, NYC

Many thanks to all of the WSSCA members and supporters who dedicated a day, or two, to help showcase the Welsh Springer at the first Meet the Breeds event of 2024 at the Javits Center in NYC.  The event was extremely well attended and the Welsh Springer booth was inundated all day with visitors eager to learn about the breed. 

Saturday’s human volunteers were: Peggy & Doug Lehnen, Judy Russo, Michelle Brooks, and Sandy & Rich Rohrbacher.  Between them they brought 11 Welshies to charm the crowds.  

Manning the booth on Sunday were Robin Sieranski, Lorri Sieranski, Katy Roberts, Chris Gebhardt, and Sandy & Rich Rohrbacher.  They were accompanied by 9 handsome Welshies. 

It was a fun event for visitors and volunteers alike.  Volunteer Michelle Brooks summed it up well: 

“If I had known how much fun Maestro and I have had, I would have volunteered earlier.”  “I want to come back next year”.